Δημήτρης Πανόπουλος
Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs
European Commission Expert
- Experienced labour market data analyst, Head of the Research and Documentation Unit for Labour Market, Directorate of Labour Relations, Ministry of Labour, and Social Affairs of Greece.
- Head of the EC’s expert group on digital skills and issues (and digital transition) under the Talent Booster Mechanism of the European Commission https://ec.europa.eu/regional_policy/policy/communities-and-networks/harnessing-talent-platform/talent-booster-mechanism_en)
- Innovation Management and Skills Specialist for the EU and the digital startups ecosystem
- Certified Trainer, of the Greek Entrepreneurship Academy for Public Sector Vocational Training in entrepreneurial skills (entrecomp framwork)
- Member of the Hellenic Steering Committee for the designation of the Greek Digital Innovation Hubs (Digital Europe Programme)
- Field Senior Expert in EU’s Special Scientific Working Group (DG CONNECT), member of digital Skills and Jobs, DG CONNECT, part of Digital Single Market expert Group, (DG CONNECT,EC)
- National Coordinator of the Greek Social Innovation Network, National Coordinator of the Greek Consortium, as Funding Member of a 4 country Social Innovation Consortium called SEED Project, funded by the EU funding members of the SEED social innovation cross border consortium. SEED was approved and funded for the period 2021-2023 (Field of digital social innovation, digital literacy tools, management skills on digital social media and design thinking tools)
- Writer of the “100+1 terms of the digital transformation” Glossary in Greece.
- National Evaluator and Expert on Advanced Digital Skills Programmes and training Activities
Lecturer on digital skills, tools and platforms in the National School of Public Administration
Member of the Expert Board of the Community of Practice on Social Innovation of the ESF+ for skills and digital jobs and DG EMPL, EU. - Member of the JRC’s experts for DIGICOMP 2.2. update
National Representative of Greece in DSM Sub-Group, (DG Connect_EU), as well as the Ministerial Representative on the Greek Coalition for the enhancement of Digital Skills in Greece. - Contact point of Greece for the cooperation with ALL DIGITAL expert group of the DG CONNECT, national representative of the relevant DSM Group, Active Labour Market Policies /ESF Funding Programmes
- Operational coordinator of the REBRAIN GREECE Talent Center National Platform (https://platform.rebraingreece.gr/) for the digital transformation of the labour market and the management of brain drain,
- PhD candidate at Labour Market Digitalization’s Impact, holds a 18-month degree from the Greek National School of Public Administration.
Holds a two year post graduate degree on Financial and Business Strategy and Management from the University of Piraeus and a MA in Business IT management from the University of Bedfordshire, Luton. - Participated in various expert working groups of the EU, like the EU’’s joint expert group for the assessing of the digital transformations’ impact on labour market whixh completed its survey in 2019. He is also participating in the Expert Group for a new initiative on “New Service and Jobs Creation” (2020-2021) of the European Commission (DG Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs), A consortium including empirica, PwC and the International Society of Service Innovation Professionals (ISSIP) has been tasked by the EASME to facilitate this work, under the general title “e-skills 2030”
All Sessions By Δημήτρης Πανόπουλος
Digital Transformation and Data Driven Decisions
Friday 13-09-24