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Since 2016, {Re}Think Digital has been an important institution in the field of Digital Transformation and innovation, with ongoing events focusing on various aspects of digital transformation and its impact on the business and social community.


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Nikolaos Germanos Conference Center – Rooms A+B

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{Re}Think Digital 2K24 ...

Growth Convergence: Empowering Franchises through Digital Transformation

The upcoming Re{Think} Digital 2K24 | Growth Convergence: Marketing & Franchise Finance Summit will take place on September 13, 2024, at the "Nikolaos Germanos" Conference Center in Thessaloniki, as part of the 88th Thessaloniki International Fair. The conference aims to connect innovation with growth and the success of franchises through modern marketing and financing strategies. With a multifaceted program that includes lectures and networking sessions, participants will have the opportunity to learn about the latest developments and network with leading professionals in the field.

Empowering Franchises through Digital Transformation

Who's Speaking ?

Digital Transformation in the Era of Franchising
Elevate Your Brand with Cloud Infrastructure, Marketing Innovation and Gamification

Gen. Manager of DiGiNN Cyprus, Office of Technical Services and Support

Business Development and Innovation Manager του Κέντρου Εφαρμογών και Υπηρεσιών Ηλεκτρονικής Υγείας του Ινστιτούτου Πληροφορικής του ΙΤΕ

Life Coach - Motivational Speaker, HR Director - Public Relations, Intel Power SA

EMBA, PMP, TTT Co-Founder & Chief Executive Officer, PI4SD

Πρόεδρος της Διοικούσας Επιτροπής του Ινστιτούτου Πληροφορικής και Ψηφιακού Μετασχηματισμού της ΕΔΕΒΕ

Αντιπρόεδρος Marketing Club Greece

Σύμβουλος Καινοτομίας & Επικοινωνίας, Smart Attica EDIH | Eθνικό Κέντρο Tεκμηρίωσης

The Market Analyst | Founder of ierax analytix

Σύμβουλος Καινοτομίας, Smart Attica EDIH, Eθνικό Κέντρο Tεκμηρίωσης

Δρ. Ευάγγελος Μητσάκης, Διευθυντής Ερευνών ΕΚΕΤΑ-ΙΜΕΤ, CEO deeptraffic

Senior Analyst at Clip News

Democritus University of Thrace, Department of Agricultural Development, DigiAgriFood]

Data Analyst Υπουργείο Εργασίας

Founder & Managing Director της iTrust Digital

Attica Hub for the Economy of Data and Devices – ahedd, ΔΗΜΟΚΡΙΤΟΣ

CEO -Το Άτομο, Founding Partner at Business Future Institute

Founder | Art Director, Innovation Group Creative Agency

Communications Consultant RED.comm | Co-Founder Wome4Cyber Greece | Founder Hellenic Cybersecurity Institute

You'll Fall in Love Thessaloniki .

{Re}Think Digital 2K24 is the reason to be at the Thessaloniki International Fair in September
{Re}Think Diogital 2K24

Conference Schedule .

Growth Convergence: Empowering Franchises through Digital Transformation
Track I

Digital Transformation in the Era of Franchising

Elevate Your Brand with Cloud Infrastructure, Marketing Innovation and Gamification




Opening Greetings


Digital Transformation and Data Driven Decisions

How businesses can leverage modern digital technologies to enhance their efficiency and make data-driven strategic decisions, thereby achieving a competitive advantage.


Integrating Technology for Operational Efficiency
Leveraging ERP, CRM, HR management Systems for Enhanced Franchise Efficiency and Customer Engagement

This section focuses on the use of ERP, CRM, and HR systems to improve operational efficiency and customer interaction in franchises. The integration of these technologies leads to better management, customer satisfaction, and a competitive advantage.


Coffee Break


Optimizing Franchise Operations with Cloud Infrastructure and Security

The thematic session “Optimizing Franchise Operations with Cloud Infrastructure and Security” focuses on enhancing franchise operations and data security through the use of cloud infrastructures. This approach offers flexibility, reduced costs, and increased protection against digital threats.


Marketing Innovation and Gamification

The session focuses on the use of innovative marketing strategies and gamification techniques for product promotion and increasing customer loyalty. It includes the creation of interactive experiences that encourage consumer engagement and enhance the user experience. These techniques lead to increased customer involvement and strengthened loyalty.


Round Table: EDIHs: Catalysts for Digital Transformation and
Business Growth in Europe

In this session, the role of EDIHs will be discussed, with a focus on the actions of DiGiNN (European Digital Innovation Hub, Cyprus) and SmartAttica EDIH (European Digital Innovation Hub, Greece), which support businesses in their digital development and competitiveness.

Track II

Enhancing Entrepreneurship via Digital Innovation Workshop by EKT for SmartAttica EDIH




Opening Greetings


Strategic Growth in the Digital Era: The Case of EDIHs

In this section, strategies for growth in the digital sector will be examined, focusing on European Digital Innovation Hubs (EDIHs). The tools and techniques that can help businesses adapt to and benefit from digital innovation will be analyzed.


Strategic Challenges for Business Growth in the Digital Era:
The Demands of the Greek Entrepreneurial Environment

This session will focus on the strategic challenges that businesses face in the digital sector, particularly within the context of the Greek business environment. The needs and requirements for enhancing business growth in the digital era will be examined.


Coffee Break


Discussion and Conclusions


{Re}Think Digital Awards 2K24




Dimitra Zervaki


Keynote: Ioannis Triantafillou


Firechats – NetWorking


{Re}Think Digital Awards 2K24


Stand Up


Reception – Networking

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